Saturday, 13 June 2015

Economic Unions or MILITARY BLOCKS or both?

21st Century world is fast changing. Countries now know that in this globalized world, for overall economic development, they have to get closer to each other. Thus, countries are getting closer & closer, so much so that in some cases, even the relevance of International border getting DIMINISHED. The best example  being - THE EUROPEAN UNION, each of it's member states is now forgetting national identities & adopting a more European one. Travel among nations is visa free & many political (& other) decisions are made collectively.
The most important factor that brought the same European nations, that started the two world wars, closer was "ECONOMICS", but the question arises are they so close that European Union can turn to a military block with common military? Will an attack on any territory of UK be treated as an attack on Europe?
Similar question arises for a North American Union or maybe SAARC or ASEAN? It's better said than done. No doubt Globalization is bringing together nations but projecting a common military requires immense trust on each other. No way nations are going to share there military secrets & military R&D as there national resources were utilized over time to develop them.
Sharing secrets is the first requirement of developing trust but why will a country like US share it's F-22 technology with a country like Canada? It has taken immense money, Human Resources & time to develop it. Or why will France share Rafale technology with say Greece? or why will India share INS Arihant technology with say Bangladesh?
Forming an economic association is one thing but forming a formidable military block is totally another. Even the Economic associations are being questioned now. The Greece Crisis made Germany pay majority of bailout Package & German people started wondering as to why were they made to pay for other's mistakes? If Economic association is becoming burden for some, similarly military block may say the same story where majority of resources will be put up by bigger powers & in case of a war it means more casualties for few but the credit of win will be given to all.
It can be concluded that in near to longer terms no bigger nation would like to take security burden of smaller ones since it will be a drain on it's resources. Thus, thought of military alliances for now is far fetched.

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