Thursday 23 July 2015

From Godavari to P-17A: Indian Warship Building Comes of Age...

It took 19 years for Indian Navy to commission three non-stealth Brahmaputra Class Frigates....

They were the Prequel to the current "Make in India" story. Since then Indian warship building has indeed come a long way.....

From 19 years that made the Brahmaputra class ships, It took 16 years for Shivalik (P-17) class stealth frigates....

Each class had three warships.

Now here is the catch - It will take only 11 years (from design board to commissioning) for next generation stealth frigates - Project 17A & not just three but seven of them!!

The plan is that two shipyards - MDL, Mumbai & GRSE, Kolkata, four & three respectively. This added to the adoption of modular shipbuilding is speeding the entire process manifold.

What's stealthy about Project-17As??

  • Missile silos flush with the deck.
  • Torpedo launches blending along the sides of the vessel.
  • Concealed hangar for a Kamov Helicopter.
What's Modular Construction??

Modular construction involves assembling a ship using 300-ton blocks, constructed to exacting standards. The blocks are constructed elsewhere complete with all the piping, electrical wiring & fitments that go into the section of the ship. During assembly, the piping &  wiring comes together end to end.

All seven ships are expected to be inducted by 2021-22 at nearly $1 billion each!!

Barak-2 + Brahmos 2 +2248 MF STAR + 110 Complement + High level of automation among others make sure that these ships will be king of Blue Ocean!!

Yes, Indian warship building has indeed comes of age....


28 Brand New Submarines For Indian Navy in 15 Years!!

Is it True???

Well, if the Indian Naval Planners are to be believed, this can indeed be True!

Currently, Indian Navy is in dire need of strengthening its underwater warfare capability with both rivals - Pakistan & China adding good numbers to there own...

But how the numbers going to add-up?

Indian Navy had long back signed the contract for six French Scorpene submarines & the commissioning of the first one is expected to be completed by next (2016) year & all six by 2020.

Then comes the much awaited tender for six Project 75I submarines where French, Spanish, Russian (among others) submarines are in contention. Soon, the winner will be chosen & Navy expects all six to be inducted well before 2030.

The above two classes were conventional submarine classes. The real punch will be added by inducting the nuclear submarines which India plans to induct in large numbers....

  • First comes the much awaited Arihant class Ballistic nuclear missile submarines (SSBN) that will be armed with K-15 Sagarika & K-4 SLBMs. In Total, three of this class is planned.
  • Second, Government has given the go ahead for bigger & better SSBN class. Six SSBN of this class will be inducted.
  • Third, Nuclear Powered submarines (SSN) are also planned & six of them will be inducted finally.
  • Last but not the least, Russia & India are in the final stage of talks to lease another Akula class nuclear submarines to Indian Navy with one already in the service.

When we do the Math:

  1. Six Scorpene Class...
  2. Six Project-75I Class...
  3. Three of Arihant Class...
  4. Six SSBNs....
  5. Six SSNs....
  6. One Akula Class...
Total comes out to be 28 submarines in the next 15 years time-frame!!

Hopefully, without delay, these will be inducted within this time-frame.


Friday 17 July 2015

The Cost of Pakistani Nukes......

"We are ready to eat grass but we will make the nukes..." 
 - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Easier said then done......

People can never accept eating grass at the cost of Nukes......

But what exactly is the COST of Nukes?

Currently, Pakistan's expansion rate of nukes is the fastest in the world where even countries like US & Russia are reducing there numbers.

Estimated numbers stand at 110-120 weapons with addition of around 10-15 more per year. In just few years, Pakistan will cross France in the total number of nuclear weapons to become the third LARGEST nuclear weapons state!!!

(Something for the countrymen to be PROUD of?? Don't think so....)

Add to that, the COLD START DOCTRINE of India is making Pakistani establishment more anxious, resulting in it's decision to build battlefield nukes (These affect much smaller area). Not just the building, even the decision to use them would be made by local commanders & not the politicians sitting in Islamabad.

This is a very SCARY scenario, but before making any conclusions, let's finally come to the cost analysis.

What are the costs involved?

  • Building a nuke
  • Storing
  • Providing security
Nukes that are already made incurs the last two costs for complete lifetime & the new ones need all three....

In an upcoming blogpost, we will completely breakdown the cost analysis but for the sake of convenience in this one, we are directly giving our estimates.....

We have estimated that Pakistan spends anywhere between $2-3 Billions every year on nuclear weapons!! This is about 1% of GDP of Pakistan; A country which is ranked very low in human development index.

This cost is only going to increase with the increase in numbers......

Thus, in the end, world is facing great insecurity because of following reasons:

  • Exponential growth in the number of Pakistani nuclear weapons.
  • Economic impact of spending on nuclear weapons.
  • Fear of falling Pakistani nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists.

GRASS FOR NUKES? Think Again!!


Friday 10 July 2015

Indian Navy - The Future Looks Bright!!

It is the most POWERFUL navy in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)........

It is one of the very few Navies in operating TWO CARRIER BATTLE GROUPS (CBGs).........

It is the FIFTH largest Navy in the world........


           That's NOT ENOUGH!!!

You have to constantly keep growing & expanding your areas of "INFLUENCE" if your end goal is to become a Global SUPERPOWER!!!

Well, as the things stand, Indian Navy is well on course....

If it's induction plans are analyzed then probably by 2025-30 time-frame, Indian Navy will be a force that no country can afford to IGNORE.

& Here goes the Shopping List.....

  • PROJECT 75 - Six Scorpene class Submarines at around $2 billions (all to be inducted by 2020).
  • PROJECT 75I - Six conventional Submarines of a different class at $10 BILLIONS!! Soon the tender will be floated (all to be inducted by 2025/27).
  • LEASE OF SECOND AKULA NUCLEAR SUBMARINE! from Russia costing close to $1 billion (Probable date - 2018).
  • THREE ARIHANT CLASS NUCLEAR SUBMARINES at $9 billions (by 2025).

  • SIX NUCLEAR POWERED ATTACK SUBMARINES (SSN) at $15 billions (by 2030).
  • Under PROJECT 17A, seven stealth frigates to be inducted at around $8 BILLIONS! (by 2025).
  • PROJECT 28A - four anti-submarine corvette at around $1.5 billions (all by 2020).
  • PROJECT 15A - three stealth destroyers at around $4 billions (by 2020).
  • PROJECT 15B - follow-up of 15A with four stealth destroyers at around $5 billions (by 2023-25).
  • INS VIKRANT & INS VISHAL aircraft carriers at around $9 billions by 2027.
  • 65 TEJAS FIGHTERS - By 2023 ($3 billions).
  • 150 Naval Utility Helicopters + 139 Naval Multi-Role Helicopters + 8 MRMR aircraft + 12 P-8Is MMA = $17 billions (by 2027).
  • About six LANDING PLATFORM DOCKS (LPD) at $3-4 billions (by 2027).

So, in the next 10-15 years, the Indian Navy will spend around $90-100 BILLIONS!! to increase it's numbers & to add more & more lethal power.

The list just don't end at warships & aircraft, Indian Navy is also constructing important naval bases of great strategic value to complement it's warships..

                                                    Be it the largest Naval Base of Asia at Karwar
                                                  Nuclear Submarine base at Rambili,

Indian Navy is letting no stone unturned to transform itself from a powerful Navy to Unchallenged Navy!

For Indian Navy ---> Man + Machine + Bases = A GREAT future!
